
„Grand Western Canal“

aus der Galerie von Pete Hemington
Über dieses Bild:

A black and white version of the canal near Halberton.
The Grand Western Canal has recently been reopened after a breech in 2013. This is part of the repaired section near Halberton just after the work was completed. A digger is still on site. Trees are reflected in the calm water.
An artistic filter has been applied to this image. Near Valley house.
A sunrise image of this view and a colour version of this image is also available in my portfolio.

Bildnummer: efa294b
helenlir gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2015-06-19 18:42:58 UTC
Susanna Badau gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2015-04-28 09:50:04 UTC
CHRISTINE LAKE gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2015-04-08 20:57:14 UTC
Bernhard Kaiser gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2015-04-07 17:23:26 UTC
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